For me, all these are about the pleasure of seeing; of being cognizant of the world around me. Perceptual uncertainty, how vision intersects with the brain is a vital dimension of my work.
LUMINESCENCE : Made up of many fluid layers, these shimmering surfaces subtly shift in color and texture as you move around them. The pictorial field optically quiver and vibrate as an optical tension oscillating between simplicity and complexity, motion and stillness, surface and depth.
WARPS: My paintings begin within the framework of a pre-devised system or plan. The engaging visual outcome obscures the formal, mathematical manner in which the work has been conceived. They transcend their strategic and methodical beginnings.
MATRIX: I am interested in systems, color as a transformative vehicle, mutation of an “object” image to a spiritualized event.
PLAIDS: Plaid is one of the most widespread, recognizable and ubiquitous designs in the world and is often associated with comfort, leisure and working class attire.
I am interested how an artist method might transform and challenge a simple recognizable object. How reality becomes challenged by an artist’s scrutiny.
I am interested how an artist method might transform and challenge a simple recognizable object. How reality becomes challenged by an artist’s scrutiny.
CANDIES: I am interested in achieving a certain vibrancy through color and movement, concentrating on line and pattern as conduits for train of thought. Exploring intuitively through varying linear forms, I reflect on time, growth, and notions of beauty that often hints at figuration.
3D: I am interested in patterns, systems and mechanical practices that satisfy a deep urge to be uniformed but paradoxically translate a field into an altered space: a universe of extreme structure that dissolves into luminescent and fugitive color and forms.